Saturdays are a wonderful invention. I am rather a big fan of them, actually, but I suppose it is the five days before which make a Saturday that much more enjoyable.
Life continues on here, as it always does. New students are arriving all over the place at the college, so I've been running sound for Parents of New Students meetings over the weekend. We also had a double taping yesterday, which means we recorded both the morning and evening service for broadcast - so I've worked more this last weekend than I really would've liked, but that is the name of the game. The upside of that is I now have eight hours to take out of the rest of my workweek, at my discretion (more or less). I'm afraid I'm in the process of already blowing four of them; I was soooo tired last night and this morning, so I spent the morning sleeping in and being lazy.
Jackie came over on Saturday! This makes us very happy, of course, because we don't get to see her much, and soon we shall see her even less. She is responsible for the pan of brownies you see in the first picture. Everyone's a little unsure how to take my camera-wielding and cries of "It all must go on the blog!" but I'm sure we'll settle into a happy medium before long.
I'm afraid we've lost our moving inertia. When we were in the Time of Great Change there was much busyness and energy being expended on getting things done: suitcases being packed, rooms being cleaned, items packed in storage, vows being said, honeymoons being traveled on, furniture being moved (up to the 3rd floor - with no elevator), groceries being purchased, etc. But now that we're in, the energy and drive has abated somewhat. My open suitcase with strewn-about contents still taunts us every time we walk into the bedroom, our intimidating Mound of Boxes periodically shouts messages of doom from the other room, the furniture is not quite how it should be just yet - but it's all ok. I rather assumed that we would attack the settling in with just as much ferocity as the moving in, but that's not the way things have turned out. Of course, it's not like we've been lounging around our home for weeks on end thinking "We really should unpack sometime." There's been plenty to do with both of us working and other things being accomplished. Mind you, I'm not saying the settling in has stopped, merely slowed down.
Until next time.
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