Of course, there's no way around it: vacation is nice.
We're doing well down here in our little Florida world. The semester finally finished up - and we survived the whole thing (praise the Lord!). It really wasn't bad as far as semesters go, but things do tend to get busy at the end and this semester was no exception. Teri and I both had the privilege of being in the Fine Arts play that the college produces at the end of the semester. I am usually involved with the productions from the technical standpoint of working on the sound crew (part of my job), but this semester I traded that in for a costume an

After the semester ends we have a two-week post-term schedule - so our lives returned to normal work as well as some course wrap-up time (this all felt like a vacation in itself simply from the absence of constantly having to be somewhere). After our post-term ended we began our summer vacation week - which we're in the middle of now. On Tuesday we'll wade back into the waters of productive labor, but for now we are thoroughly enjoying pretending to be retired. We took last weekend and made a road trip out to Louisiana where we visited my Grandparents. We hadn't seen the
Now we're back in Pensacola and planning out the rest of our vacation on the home front, and despite the fact that we're at home, it feels every bit a real vacation (although I did cancel a dentist appointment this morning simply because it didn't seem like something I wanted to do on vacation). Tuesday we hit the outlet malls in a little town about an hour from here and did a bit of bargain shopping; today we ran out to the Naval Air museum and took in a couple of IMAX shows; tomorrow we're going to try to hit the beach and do a bit of parasailing and perhaps rent a jetski; and Friday we're thinking of hitting Mobile and poking our noses in their museum, strolling through their flower gardens, and perhaps touring the USS Alabama or checking out their art museum. All in all a fun little collection of things that we don't normally take the time to do.
After the "retirement" is over (Tuesday), we'll settle back down into a working routine, gather our wits about us, and attempt to be productive and profitable with our summer time. As Ecclesiastes says, there is a time for everything. When the fall semester rolls back around we'll be more than ready for it, excited about leaping back into things and getting the chance to impact lives, but for now, it is good to relax.
God bless, --Nick
I am most delighted to respond to your recent posting! The picture of 'our family' is definitely a keeper. (an old fishin' term meaning: one that qualifies for remembrance - I think).
ReplyDeleteVacation is such a blessing! Alas, my favorite part, too, is the absence of a rigid schedule.I will spend the rest of the summer reading, planning for my new classroom, and thanking God every other breath!
I am very content now - thanks for bringing your blog up to date!
With Much Love (do you write that on a blog?)
Auntie M