Yes, what else can I really say? Sure, there are a number of challenges in life right at the moment - but if you really step back and look at it: life is good. The weather's been rather nice around here as well, although today was almost a little warm inside the apartment. My lovely wife and I are about six degrees off - so when she's quite comfortable, I'm hot. When I'm comfortable, she's freezing. Ah well, such is life. Who's to say my thermostat is the right one?
Teri and I are in full swing with the semester down here. I have found teaching to be quite a new challenge - but one that I dearly enjoy. I'm starting to gravitate more and more toward the idea of spending more of my working time teaching - and toying with thoughts of even taking the long course of life more in that direction. Of course, God knows what He wants, and we shall see what the future holds. All in all, however, I have found my students to bring quite a bit of joy to my life. They've also brought quite a few gray hairs and induced the production of more than a few stress hormones - but that's just the nature of the beast, I suppose. For a first semester, it has gone rather well. Students are funny creatures. They decide they want to advance their lives with further education (or their parents decide for them), they come to college, sign up for classes, bring their smiling faces to class, and then complain in an offended tone when you give them their first assignment. Practice? Speeches? Oh, thou loathsome teacher, you hate us all... But, there's always the other side of it. It's extremely rewarding to see them try, put out effort, commit to a speech, utilize your suggestions. And I love getting hellos and greetings from them around campus. They're not a bad sort, really...
God bless, --Nick
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