Yes, 'tis the season indeed. I've managed to evade most of the bacteria and viruses out there, but alas, it is all to no avail. Sooner or later they get you. They watch you, they study you, they learn your patterns, they look to see which doorknob you regularly use, they lie in wait for you on that doorknob and then -BLAM!- they make you their terrified victim! Sigh. Oh well, such is life. Things have actually been going pretty well in the health department this semester - oh there's always good days and bad days, but in general Teri's and my health has been improving due to our dietary changes instituted earlier this semester (see earlier post about the Colorado trip). We've had to make a few sacrifices for a while, breaking ourselves into a healthier lifestyle with a kind-of-strict 3-month introduction diet (avoid dairy, wheat gluten, and sugars) but we've both felt the benefits as our bodies have had opportunities to heal themselves with less junk in the works. I, however, have managed to come down with something akin to the flu - however not as simple as that. I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so we'll see what's behind that door...
In other news, life has changed! Ok, maybe not drastically, but it's direction has changed a little bit, as well as my day-to-day interaction with it. What does this mean, you

God bless you all,