Friday, August 31, 2007

Life continues on...

Yes, life goes on rather quickly. We've been slow getting the blog going - at least it feels like we've been slow, maybe it's only been a few days. Really, we haven't given the address out for this blog yet, so I'm just getting ahead of the game I suppose.
The essence of time has always intrigued me, how it seems to drag at times, and absolutely fly at other times - and even do both (you know it's true, just stop and think about it). Teri and I have been married for four weeks, tomorrow. Four weeks. Those four weeks have flown, blurred, zipped by. Mind you, four weeks before the wedding, time was DRAGGING by; and now I'm afraid to blink lest I should suddenly have grandchildren.
Life has consisted of the ordinary and mundane in these past few weeks, really, but it's all had an element of excitement and fun to it, because it's the first time we've done some of these things (I've never bought a vacuum cleaner before, for example), and just the fact that we're performing these mundane tasks together because we're married adds a whole level of enjoyment. It's wonderful to have your loved one's presence nearby - it is a wonderful thing not to be alone. Of course, marriage has much adjustment that comes with it; much learning and adapting and bending, but it's all worth it.
School has not yet started here at the college - it'll actually start next week with classes beginning on Thursday. The students are starting to trickle in, and the last glimpses of our quiet, deserted campus are leaving. It's ok though, it's a cycle which runs in a timely fashion. By the time the summer gets here, you (as a year-round staff person) are ready for the students to leave, to have "your" campus back to yourself again, to be able to walk anywhere you want to without swimming up the human stream of students. But, when the summer's over (as it is drawing so now), one is ready to have them back. Students are, after all, what the focus of a college is all about.
So, with classes just around the corner, Teri has been hard at work preparing for her semester of teaching. She's got Oral Interpretation of Poetry, Storytelling, two sections of Voice and Diction, as well as six private students, and 7 1/2 hours in the library a week. She's now an official faculty member, complete with office (I've seen it), phone extension, responsibilities, students (well, they're almost here), and professional poise.
In a sense the semester is warming up for me, and in a sense it is all the same - I don't teach, so it's not quite the same basket of fruit.
Well, the hour is late and my wife is already on her way to the land of sleep and slumber. Goodnight.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome to Nick and Teri's blog!

Yes, it's true, we are doing our best to keep up with the digital age - we are the proud owners of our own blog! Of course, this blogging thing has been going on for quite a while, and we are just now venturing out into it, dipping our toe carefully into the giant lake of web content - but we're doing it nonetheless! So, this is the spot. To catch up on the latest news, thoughts, musings, and info of Nick and Teri, here's where it's at (assuming you don't want to actually be personal and call us on the phone).
